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Provide pain management



Information about this unit:

This unit covers the competency required to administer restricted analgesics as a part of
a medically supervised first responder organisation.State/territory licensing procedures
for the storage and administration of drugs apply to this unit.


The application of this unit in the workplace covers the administration of restricted pain
relief such as analgesics and aspirin, according to a medically endorsed protocol.



Students must be at least 14 years of age at the time of attendance.

Clothing: We suggest that you wear comfortable casual clothing, as the practical nature of the demonstrations and practice may possibly require bending, kneeling and lying on the floor. Pants and flat shoes are recommended.

Must have a valid HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid 


Target audience:

The unit is typically relevant for personnel from emergency services and/or volunteer organisations or organisations that provide a medically supervised first aid service.


Award Issued:

Students who successfully complete this nationally recognised training will be awarded
the statement of attainment for:


  • PUAEME005A Provide pain management


Course duration:  

  • Full course: 5 hours face-to-face training

​Pre Course study options:

There is no pre course study required for this course.


The following assessment tasks are required for this course:

Multiple choice questions -  knowledge assessment 


Complete the following scenario's:

  • Provide pain management for a casualty who has fractured  his/her arm

  • Provide pain management for a casualty whi is suffereing chest pain

  • Using workplace documents, check and store drugs in your workplace

  • Attend a debriefing session

  • Provide a suitable handover to paramedics


I would like to complete this course what is the next step?
Our dedicated team at Care Action Plan will be able to assist you further and take a booking. Complete your details here and a team member will contact you directly.
What are my rights and responsibilities as a student?

Your rights and responsibilities can be found in our Student Agreement that should be read BEFORE enrolling into any of our courses.

All students will be required to obtain a Unique Student Identifier number via the USI website and show proof of identification at the commencement of the course.


For more information visit:







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